Please click on the boxes below to learn what service best suits you:
Life Coaching
Karen works on a session to session basis. While she makes suggestions, she ultimately believes the client must initiate the rhythm of their work together. Her sessions are between 55-65 minutes. She provides a follow up email of salient points to be remembered and focused on between sessions. Karen also offers “in the moment” support when needed. Most sessions are held virtually, however in person can be arranged.
DECU and OmCodes Practitioner
Karen is a certified DECU OmCodes practitioner. These sessions are specifically focused on supporting your personal growth and evolution with cellular reprogramming and DNA recoding. This process supports the mind/body/soul in becoming aligned into an improved expression of self as you engage in your daily life. Typically focusing on one topic at a time to be addressed, these sessions are between 50-60 minutes.
Speaker + Workshop Leader/Trainer
Karen can present, speak, or train at one of your events, workshops, retreats, or trainings on a variety of topics she has prepared. She can also craft a presentation specifically around a topic of your choice.
For further information on services and pricing, please contact Karen directly.
Intuitive Illumination Reading
75-90 minutes
This reading provides an overall life reflection, assessing where you currently are in your life, where you want to go, and offers an overview of ways you can shift and adjust perspectives, as well as provides clarity on what limited beliefs, habits, or insecurities may be inhibiting you from experiencing more of what you desire in your life today.
In Transition?
Whenever we are in a time of transition, it can be very unsettling. However, there is always amazing opportunity present as well. With the support of coaching, you can approach this liminal time from a place of empowerment, consciously focusing with clarity on what you want to ensure you are attracting the most desired results to you.
Seeking fulfillment?
Sometimes we wake up feeling empty within. Perhaps life feels like you’re living on the rat wheel, going through the motions, with no fire, passion or joy. Life is a balance of external doing and internal being. Deep fulfillment is a possible reality for everyone. Coaching can help you attain your own lasting fulfillment in life.
Better relationships.
If you want to create better relationships, it begins with becoming aware of how you are contributing to the relationships you currently have. This is greatly influenced by the relationship you have with yourself. Coaching can help you gain clarity and make the shifts necessary to experience the relationships you desire.
Change your patterns.
It is easy to not realize we are repeating an old pattern until we find ourselves back in another terrible work situation, or awful intimate relationship, just like our last one. Waking up to this awareness is the first step to changing it. Coaching can support you and help you make the necessary shifts to change these patterns.
Improve relationships.
The romantic relationship of your dreams can happen, once you are willing to become your own best partner. Through this process, you can attract and/or grow your romantic relationship into everything you desire. Coaching can support you in navigating the obstacles, patterns and shifts required along the profound journey to self-love.
Seeking inspiration?
Everything grows or it withers and dies. It is our responsibility to be aware of what we are growing in our life and to shift anything that is not how we want. Coaching can help you gain clarity around your true heart’s desire and how you are contributing or inhibiting the creation and manifestation of your dreams coming true.
As an executive director in charge of a management team, everyone has different personalities and no one knows how to talk with each other. It is great having a neutral person who eliminates all the barriers by supporting them for improving the internal communications within the team. Also if I feel someone is having difficulty in a certain area, Karen is great at developing and supporting whatever skill set which needs improvement that I don’t have the time or potentially the ability to coach them around.
Completing treatment from breast cancer left me fearful and lost. Karen, her advice, presence and her reflective version of my life, enveloped me with gentle wings and a clear focus on my future. I am grateful for Karens perspective on my life and providing me with feedback that is constructive and encouraging. Working with Karen provided me with the real healing that I needed to embrace my life and future with confidence.