I continue to look to nature for reflections on how to maximize the human experience.

I aspire to be like bamboo – deeply anchored in strength, while completely flexible to life’s experiences as they unfold.
Bamboo spends years growing its roots in preparation for when it shoots up with miraculous speedy growth, and demonstrates incredible agility to bend without breaking.

Flowing with life makes things the easiest they can be.
However, surrendering to this flow can be challenging, as human nature likes to control external things to fit what we think we want.

I invite you to try to shift your control away from life’s external circumstances.
By practicing meditation and mindfulness, you can grow your roots within.
This will support you in being able to bend and flow with life, to control your inner resistance to surrendering to how things unfold, as you allow yourself to continually grow in miraculous, swift, and surprising ways.